Changes are underway at Sohberts
Yes, there are changes ahead at the Gallery.
There was an ownership change in May 2010
that resulted in the store closing to make changes.
The addition of wine to the Gallery is a very,
long process but the new guard thinks it is a
well suited effort and has begun the paperwork
needed for the long task ahead . There will be
a name change, yet to be decided but will be
decided by one of the previous owners who
is still on board.
Sohberts name was derived
from two names, Bert and his Daughter Sophia.
The name
Sohberts will live on as the new
name of
Harris's Design and Remodel business.
New partners include
Intertie Systems,
Salaya LLC. other Colleagues in the
Harris Remodel Camp.
The gallery will be reopening within 4 weeks.
Look forward to seeing everyone again,